By 2g1c2 girls 1 cup

Archive for October, 2010

35 Weeks old…

and counting. It’s looking like miss big girl Emma is going to come home Friday.We are very excited about it, but are also sad because miss Ella has to stay behind. She still has a ways to go with her oxygen. She’s been thru so much, that it’s going to take a little while for her little lungs to heal. She’s eating well, and that’s awesome! Miss Emma is one of the gassiest babies I have ever seen!! She blasted on me tonight at least 30 times and we were really only there an hour! Wow, we are in some serious trouble! Tonight was also her car seat test which was pretty cool to see. She’s up to 4 lbs 14oz. On a tear. Miss Ella is up to 3 lbs 4 oz. She’s getting there. Can’t wait to see her big like her sister!!

Miss Emma

Video time…Chillin’ in the NICU.

Well, Emma was supposed to come home this weekend, but she had a bradycardia the other day, and she’s now on an 8-day countdown to see if she doesn’t have another. If she does, her count starts over. Ella is doing well, and just chillin’ and growing. She’s about the same on her oxygen, maybe a little better. They offered her a bottle, but she didn’t go crazy on it like her sister did. She played a little and that was about it.

Ella is up to 3 lbs 2 oz, and her sister is in at a whopping 4lbs 10oz. The girl in not playing. Got some cool video earlier tonight.

Here’s Ella…

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vimeo DirektElla

and here’s Emma…tearin’ up the passy

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vimeo DirektEmma gettin’ it.

Reunited…and it feels so good!

Man, things are happening left and right!!

We came in Monday morning, for our baby CPR class, to find Emma had shed her igloo for a new and improved bassinet! That’s another BIG step for her. Taking a bottle for the first time on Sunday and now stepping up to a bassinet on Monday. Next thing you know she’s gonna wanna come home?! We are so very cool with that!

Emma's new house

But some news just as good, miss Ella finally busted out of Levine’s Children Hospital and headed back down south to her birthplace in Pineville! We were so happy and apparently so were the nurses in Pineville. She looks so much better there. She’s been very stable, and they even decided to put clothes on the girl. She’s actually dressed and starting to work on holding her own temperature now.

It’s so awesome to go to one place and see both of them side-by-side now. Each of us also get to hold a baby at the same time now. Awesome. Her nurse last night, Maggie, let us have some fun and some photo ops by putting them together again. Apparently they also did this before we got there, cause they wanted them to be able to see each other again. They have been incredible throughout all of this. The girls seem to like being beside each other again. Tonight when we visited E-squared, Monica held Emma and I held Ella. We held them for about almost 2 hours. The doctor also had to come in and do an eye exam on them. Emma whined a lot more then Ella. I think Ella might end up being a little tougher than her big sister, but should that surprise anyone? I didn’t think so!

Don't forget you can click on pitcures to make them bigger!

Monica, Maggie and Ella

Miss Emma…not playing around!

Miss Ella is also doing very well. She was up to 2 lbs and 12 oz the other night, when we could actually find out what she weighed. This has not been the best week at the main hospital. We’ve had a different nurse every night pretty much, and it’s ones we’ve never met or has never met miss drama. Miss Ella does not like a lot of things, and all of her regular nurses have figured this out. Not the new ones! We talked to Dr. Payne tonight and he’s very hopeful that Ella will be able to get back to Pineville this week and be back with her sister and all the wonderful nurses at the NICU in Pineville. We are hoping and praying. Maybe by the middle to end of the week?

Miss Emma is up to 3 lbs 15 oz as of tonight. Today, Erin, decided that it was time to introduce miss Emma to the bottle. Normally they take a couple of drops but aren’t really sure what to do with all of it. Not Emma, she decided to go ahead and drink the entire bottle down…and in about 10 minutes! We were amazed when we found out because we thought they would not start until later in the week and that it would take another week for the feedings to pick up. Well I guess the girl likes to eat because as of tonight, she’s had 4 bottles. Pops got to feed her tonight for the first time and it was pretty sweet. The girl acts like she’s ready to bust the joint. Now we need to get Ella there!

still munching…

Big date night with E-Squared…

Man, what a night, I got to go hold Emma and check her out, and then I got to go hold my baby girl Ella for the first time ever. What an awesome night. Ella, who never stops, actually sat totally still the entire time I held her. It was only like 30 minutes or so, but for her, that’s a lifetime! She just laid there, looked around a little from time to time, and then would just go back to sleep. Her daddy likes to look at the monitors like a hawk, and usually gets all stressed out with the oxygen saturation levels, but she gave him nothing to worry about tonight. It was just an awesome night all around. Both girls, two hospitals, held them both….kick ass!

Me and Ella

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