Ella’s surgery went very well the doctors said. Now, she just has to get thru the next couple of days. Apparently after this type of surgery, they get a little sicker before they get better. Totally normal, but still kinda sucks. Hopefully, her contrast study will also be done today which will check her esophagus and make sure it’s healed up. If it’s healed, they can put an OG tube back in her little belly, and let the air out. After that, the food will start. Small, but at least some will be going into her. AND, hopefully the chest tube will come out in the next couple of days. Man, that would be awesome!! A couple of less things to worry about! Will are also supposed to hear today about the ultrasound they did related to her little brain, the thing that really worries me the most!

As far as Emma goes, that girl is on a tear! She’s up to 17ML om her feedings 8 times a day, which is a LOT, and hopefully her fluids will be turned off this weekend. Once that happens, she will most likely get her main-line taken out. After that, all she’ll have in her is her feeding tube. That would be awesome. She’s doing fantastic (knock on wood!!). We pray she keeps it up! Here’s her latest shot..my new all time favorite picture I’ve ever took.

Emma – being pretty!